Trade Name: PureTri-Tren 150mg
Substance: Mix of Trens, Trenbolone Acetate 50mg, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg, Trenbolone Enanthate 50mg
Country of Production: EU
Form: 150 mg/1 ml. 10 ml vial
One very popular steroid, maybe not because it will give you the most gains. But the gains are good, well-maintainable quality gains. Trenbolone doesn't aromatize to oestrogen (no fat and water retention). This steroid works well on its own if you want to put on some quality mass. If you do want to gain a lot of mass it can be stacked together with testosterone, anadrol or dianabol. Together with those drugs the trenbolone will improve your strength and the quality of your gains. Trenbolone is about 3-4 times more anabolic then testosterone and acts well on the androgen receptors. Because of this you are in the risk of side effects like increased aggression. Trenbolone is also a good cutting agent together with drugs like winstrol.
This steroid has a longer half-life then Finaplix / Trenbolone acentate and can be injected weekly.
This steroid is not so toxic for the liver, and since it doesn't aromatize there is no risk for gynocomastia (bitch tits). If you have problems with male pattern baldness trenbolane trenbolone might make it worse.